Children’s Ministry
TGP Kids is a place for kids to meet new friends and experience Jesus!
Toddlers – ages 18 months to 4 years old
Parents can go to our Toddler room at any time with their children. During the message we have an excellent team that ministers to the children in song and faith-building stories and activities. Most important each child is prayed for every Sunday. We have a policy manual that outlines procedures for this age group.

Nursery – up to 18 months
We have a Nursery for this age group. We also have change tables in the washrooms for your convenience. Babies are precious.We believe in baby dedication and would love to dedicate your child – whether you attend our church or not, we believe every child is God’s. We also have witnessed miraculous healings of babies of various sicknesses.
Every volunteer must undergo a police check for the protection of the children. This includes all Pastors and staff as well.

Saturdays 10am on zoom (duration: 30 – 45 min. )
Interactive & Animated Biblical Lessons with the Superbook Series
Games and Discussion and Prayer
Recommended ages 4 – 13 +
We welcome entire families to watch & participate
Contact the church for zoom coordinates.