Mens Ministry
Iron Sharpens Iron (Proverbs 27:17)
At The Gathering Place we believe that one of the most urgent and most neglected ministries in the church today is Ministry to Men. For the past few years, we have been purposeful in establishing a thriving Men’s Group.

Our vision is: “Build our Men; and they will Build His Church
When the Men are strong and committed: Marriages improve; Families are stronger, Children and Youth have better role models; Various Ministries are strengthened. Men Mentoring Men is very important. Also reaching out to the Young Men and Children is crucial. Men play a big role in building community and establishing a wholesome and loving atmosphere in our church. We also encourage Men to Worship. Even be part of our Worship Team – to raise their voice in Worship to the King of Kings.
We teach our Men that they are all Ministers in the Marketplace. That they are Working for the Lord in and out the church at all times, in all places.
Our Men’s Ministry Includes:
Our ultimate purpose is to advance the Kingdom of God, here in Aurora, York Region, Canada and to the ends of the Earth.