Our Leadership
Pastor John and Victoria Irving lead The Gathering Place with a strong vision and passion to see lives impacted by the transforming power of Jesus Christ.

Pastor Victoria Irving was born in Guyana, South America. As a young child she nearly died of asthma. She then received a profound healing which brought her family to believe in Jesus. She was a successful real estate agent in Toronto and later owned her own restaurant in the U.S. It was there that she had a dramatic encounter with the Lord which moved her back to Canada. For the last 20 years, Victoria has been serving as an ordained minister with Eagle Worldwide Ministries and pastors The Gathering Place together with her husband John. Like her husband, Victoria moves powerfully in all the five-fold ministry gifts. She has a mighty gift in Apostolic Prophetic Intercession.She operates boldly in the Holy Spirit and has a call to reach, teach and release believers into fulfilling their unique God-given callings.