What to Expect
There is a place for everyone at The Gathering Place. We are a welcoming, relaxed, accepting, and loving congregation. You will find some people dressed casually and some wearing their Sunday best. We encourage individuals to come as they are and join us however they are most comfortable! We believe true worship is not about what you wear but the position of your heart before God.
The Gathering Place is a safe place to ask questions and grow in the Lord. It is our desire to equip, empower, and launch individuals into their God-ordained destinies (Ephesians 4:11-12). We provide practical teaching, training, and mentorship in a variety of areas to help make this happen, including fun and faith-based interaction style teaching for your kids
We start our services with praise and worship. We follow Biblical practices of worship through song, dance, flagging, and music. We express our desire to worship the Lord and invite you the opportunity to join us.
Each service we give congregation members a chance to give as an act of worship to the Lord. All donations received go towards the ministry to help us meet the needs of the poor, for outreach, events, and general expenses.
At our services, you will hear anointed messages from men and women on our leadership team or from visiting speakers. We believe in the Bible and in the importance of understanding God’s Word, so that we can successfully walk out His will for our lives.
Throughout the service, you may hear prophetic words and prayers released. We welcome the Word of the Lord and desire to hear what is on God’s heart. Upon the conclusion of each service, a prayer team is present to provide personal prayer for anyone who desires to receive it.
Whether it’s during the worship, the message, or the ministry time, we are a church that presses in to encounter His presence and be touched and transformed. It is our desire that you are not the same when you leave our service, but rather, changed from being in His glory.
Regardless of where you came from and who you are, you will be welcomed at The Gathering Place! We’re normal people like you, who love God and not religion. The Gathering Place is not church as usual.
Our Sunday morning services begin at 10:30am and typically last until 12:30pm.

Monday Night Revival!
If you love church on Sundays but are hungry for even more of God, we invite you join us on Monday nights!
Electrifying atmosphere of His presence
Radical God-encounters
Powerful biblical messages that exhort and challenge you to take it to the next level
Live dynamic and anointed worship music
Dynamic prayer and prophetic ministry
Things You Won’t Find at The Gathering Place:
Boring messages
Boring music
Phony, plastic people